Here you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked the most about Te Rito

Connections and access

Is Te Rito compulsory?

No. Kura and schools are free to decide whether to use Te Rito but if they decide not to, we still encourage them to connect their SMS.

How is schools' access controlled? 

Educators access Te Rito via the Ministry's Education Sector Logon (ESL).

Do we have to pay to use Te Rito?

Te Rito is free to kura and schools. The Ministry purchased licenses so that information follows every learner through their education.

Is access to the standardised Learning Support Register (sLSR) still available?

The sLSR is no longer in scope for the programme and will be decommissioned in early 2025. When it was developed it was initially piloted with us because Te Rito enabled data in the sLSR to be shared across Kāhui Ako.

Can early learning services use Te Rito?

Early learning services that participated in the early-stage rollout continue to have access to Te Rito. We're not currently extending Te Rito to early learning but are working on including early learning data from Ministry systems.