Te Rito for ākonga and learners

Information following you throughout your learning helps your kaiako and teachers ensure you're getting the support you need

Know me before you teach me

Te Rito enables your learning history, and information about your strengths and needs, to move with you as you progress through your education. 

This helps your kura or school to know and understand the things that make you unique before you arrive, and as you continue through your learning journey. 

Instead of re-telling your story when you move to a new kura or school, your information goes with you to make getting to know your new learning environment easier.

Smiling student with classmates behind her


Your learning information is taonga and belongs to you

Te Rito makes it easy for you to view your own learning information in one place and help you with your education choices. 

All information about you in Te Rito belongs to you, not your kura or school and you have the right to ask for access to your information.

Te Rito and your kura or school

Te Rito is currently being rolled out to kura and schools across New Zealand. Currently access is for education staff but in time it will include ākonga, learners, parents and whānau too.

Your kaiako and teachers will let you know when Te Rito is being introduced at your kura or school, and what that means for you.