Te Rito for kura and schools

Focus on what matters

Start from a place of knowledge

Support the skills, talents and needs of ākonga and learners - from the moment that ākonga or learner comes under your care.

Over time as more kura and schools connect to Te Rito you will:

  • have information to inform conversations with ākonga, learners, whānau and parents
  • have access to a fuller picture of ākonga and learner strengths and needs, to help you take a holistic approach to their learning and wellbeing
  • know important information won't be lost or overlooked.


Seven diverse secondary students in uniform in front of whare mural


Track outcomes for ākonga and learners

See an immediate picture of what is working for your ākonga and learners and identify any gaps with Te Rito dashboards.

Use this information to tailor local practices and resources to support your ākonga and learners, and easily track the outcomes of your actions.

Use Te Rito to plan and collaborate with your Kāhui Ako

If you are part of a Kāhui Ako, Te Rito will let you gather and view information in the same way as other kura or schools in your Kāhui Ako.

Creating a common view across your Kāhui Ako will contribute to a shared understanding of your ākonga and learners’ strengths and needs and provide greater transparency.

Te Rito dashboards analyse data from across your Kāhui Ako so you can collaborate, share resources and develop the right capabilities to support your common needs.

Kura and schools connected to Te Rito are already using dashboards to inform Kāhui Ako strategy and planning. They are finding that dashboards are the focal point for identifying and planning around common needs.

It's important to note that data combined and shared in the dashboards can only be viewed by members of your Kāhui Ako.  

Streamline administration and reporting

Over time, as more systems that hold learner data connect to Te Rito the administrative workload on kaiako, teachers and leaders will reduce and reporting will get easier. Repetitive and often manual reporting processes, such as attendance, can be completed more quickly using Te Rito.

Over time, Te Rito will bring together data that would have been compiled manually from different sources. It provides data extracts in an easy-to-understand format to share with leaders and boards.

Two teachers working at computer - one sitting and one standing and pointing at screen


A continuous record to support ākonga and learner wellbeing and success

Once fully deployed, Te Rito will be able to receive ākonga and learner information from any kura or school SMS connected to Te Rito. When ākonga or learners move kura or schools, their data – with consent – will follow them and be available to educators in the receiving kura or school when they log into Te Rito.

In future it will be possible to link other education applications to Te Rito, such as assessment tools. Having kura and school applications on one platform across Aotearoa will ensure that the information in these applications remains consistent, compatible and secure.

Managing access to data held in Te Rito

The access and use of ākonga and learner data held in Te Rito will be overseen by an independent Te Rito Data Kaitiakitanga Group that will determine who can access the data, for what purpose and against what criteria.

Their role will include making recommendations on requests for aggregated learner data in Te Rito, such as from researchers, the Ministry of Education or other education agencies seeking data to inform research or policy development.

The Ministry of Education does not have access to data held in Te Rito, except for those providing technical support to ensure the integrity, security and safety of the Te Rito platform. Access to Te Rito is tightly controlled and subject to being audited by Te Rito Data Kaitiakitanga.

Dashboards for tumuaki and principals

Te Rito dashboards provide tumuaki and principals with a rich overview of ākonga and learner information across Kāhui Ako. 

The following dashboards are available:

  • Student demographics
  • Student transitions
  • Attendance

The dashboards are updated daily and are designed to present relevant information securely. Only authorised users have access to dashboards.

As an authorised user, you will have access to anonymised and aggregated information from kura or schools in your Kāhui Ako. You will also be able to drill down to see detailed information about ākonga and learners in your own kura or school.

Student demographics

This dashboard provides you a breakdown of enrolment in your Kāhui Ako based on demographics such as iwi, ethnicity, and gender identity.

screenshot of Student Demographics from test site
Screenshot of Demographics dashboard


Student transitions

This dashboard provides trends over time about why and when ākonga and learners come into your Kāhui Ako and why and when they leave. For example, whether they were enrolled with an early learning service provider and why they left their previous school.

Screenshot of Student Transitions dashboard from test site
Screenshot of Student Transitions dashboard from test site



This dashboard helps manage and track the attendance of ākonga and learners based on year, ethnicity, and gender identity. It also allows you to slice data using attendance codes.

Screenshot of Attendance dashboard from test site
Screenshot of Attendance dashboard from test site